Constance Baker Motley was an American jurist and politician, who served as a Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. Wikipedia

For the 2023/’24 Toni N. Harp Human Rights Day Essay Contest, New Haven public high school students were invited to write an essay reflecting their ideas, interests, and insight on the life and contributions of judge Constance Baker Motley (Hillhouse High School class of 1939) to human and civil rights, while also drawing connections between the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to present-day issues such as the political turmoil in Gaza, Congo, and other places, the critical race theory debate, housing inequity, police brutality, and/or other human rights issues impacting their community.


● Judge Constance Baker Motley was born in New Haven, CT on September 14, 1921, growing up at 52 Dickerman Street in New Haven

● She graduated from Hillhouse High School in 1939.

● When Judge Motley was a 15 year old high school student at Hillhouse, she won honorable mention for her poem entitled, “Listen, Lord- from the Slums”. She decided to become a lawyer after learning about Jane Bolín the first black woman to graduate from Yale Law School and came to the notice of George Crawford (a New Haven black lawyer).

● In December 1940 following her graduation, Clarence W. Blakeslee (founder, builder and board president of the Q House) called a meeting with the community to learn why “people were not using it in the way he had anticipated” (CBM Equal Justice Under Law) since it was for the “colored citizens of New Haven”.

● As the president of the New Haven Negro Youth Council, (founded to “do something about youth-unemployment problems and local race discrimination in employment”) Constance Baker spoke up and stated that the board was dominated by Yale and the black community had no input. The next day the Q House director called her to let her know Mr. Blakeslee wanted to meet her. At the meeting he told her how much she had impressed him and offered to pay her tuition and expenses for undergrad and law school at Columbia.

● After undergrad at Fisk University for 1 year, NYU (BA; 1943) and Columbia University (LLB ; 1946), her first job was with the NAACP Legal Defense Fund arguing several cases before the US Supreme Court, and contributing to the arguments in Brown vs the Board of Education.

● As a member of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund she argued her first case in Jackson, Mississippi in 1949, representing black school teachers appeal for equal pay; opposing council refused to address her as Mrs. Motley.

● She wrote the first brief for the Brown vs Board of Education case while she was pregnant with her son Joel Motley III and while he was a toddler.

● Argued and won 9 of 10 cases at the US Supreme Court.

● 1961: She argues the case James Meredith vs Ole Miss (University of Mississippi), & the case that sent Charlayne Hunter Gault to the University of Georgia.

Represented Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Freedom Riders and local students during the Birmingham bus boycott.

● 1964: 1st Black woman elected New York state senator

● 1965: Elected Manhattan Borough President; both the first woman and first black person elected to this position (opposed by Malcolm X & Adam Clayton Powell).

● 1965: Constance and Joel Motley purchased their home in Chester CT for use on holidays, weekends, family reunions.

● 1966: 1st Black woman appointed to Southern District of NY US District Court judge appointed by President Lyndon Johnson (opposed by US Senator James Eastland, who accused her of being a Communist due to her early organizing in New Haven and later Civil Rights advocacy).

● Senior Judge of Southern District of NY US District Court 1986-2005.

● Judge Motley died September 28, 2005 in New York.